Display your jewelry in a professional and reputable retail setting.
Save up to 75% off retail prices and free shipping on all purchases.
Need immediate cash? We’ll give you cash on the spot for your jewelry.
“Loose diamonds” are diamonds that have been expertly cut and polished and are ready to either be mounted in an engagement ring (or other type of jewelry setting) or remain unmounted as part of an investment collection. At The Diamond Consignment Store we also specialize in selling quality loose diamonds. Looking for the perfect diamond for your setting? We can help!
We offer the lowest price -up to 70% off retail! Great prices,combined with excellent service, will allow you to find the best option specifically for your needs and wants. The Diamond Consignment Store offers a selection of over 3,000 certified and un-certified diamonds. Please contact us for our current stock and availability.
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The Diamond Consignment Store
4246 N Scottsdale Rd
Scottsdale, AZ 85251
Phone: (480) 689-8991
Email: info@thediamondconsignmentstore.com
Web: https://thediamondconsignmentstore.com